
For various logistic companies, we designed distribution centres, warehouses and shipping facilities with their associated administrative buildings. Also we established and provided the execution planning with all manufacturing drawings and supervised the construction process. In some cases we supported the site analysis for the client and supervised the application process.

Further information is available in the following project documentations.

Our Logistics Projects:

RED PARCEL Grundstuecks GmbH & Co. KG - New erection of a package sorting centre with an office and social building

A new building was erected for the main distribution centre. It had to meet the requirements of the modern storage technology and the sorting plant with its automated conveyor. Furthermore enough entry and exit ways as well as buffer areas were needed. If necessary 15 more extension stages are possible.

Preliminary design, building design, planning outdoor facilitys and traffic routes, co-ordination with all companies involved, building application documents, mass and cost calculations, static calculations, emergency escape route and evacuation drawings, sound dampening and thermal protection proof, connection planning and pipe dimensioning, energy requirement determination

Completion: 2008
Construction costs: 24 m €
Contact: Mr. Kasperidus

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Logport Duisburg - Building LMN - Erection of three logistics halls with administration and social built-ins

For a new tenant three logistic halls including administration and social areas were built. They are designed to hold a 6000 m² space for dangerous goods, 10.000 m² of shelf space and 10.000 m² Crossdock-space. This complex also holds the administration and social space with an area of about 1200 m². All in all about 100 new jobs were created.

Coordination of the professionals for the building services, sprinkler technology and outdoor facilities, coordination of the precast concrete unit concept, static calculations, formwork and reinforcement drawings

Completion: 2013
Construction costs: 15 m €
Contact: Mr. Degheili (Duisport)

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Logport Duisburg - Building IJK - Erection of three logistics halls with administration and social built-ins

For a new tenant three logistic halls were built with administration and social built-ins. They are designed to hold a 3,200m² space for dangerous goods, 17,000m² of shelf space and 1,300m² for administration and social areas. Approximately 50 new jobs were created.

Detailed and approved final design, co-ordination of the professionals for: building services, sprinkler technology and outdoor facilities; co-ordination of the precast concrete unit concept

Completion: 2011
Construction costs: 14 m €
Contact: Mr. Degheili (Duisport)

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Kuehne + Nagel – Extension of the logistics centre (CP 2)

The existing area of the logistic centre was extended by 25.000 m². The expansion inculdes four warehouse sections with 42 truck-loading bridges. There is a two-storey office building attached to the end of each warehouse section.

Construction planning for the general contractor, Hellmich Baugesellschaft; coordinating precast concrete concept, static calculations for the steel- and site concrete structures, formwork and reinforcement drawings and steel construction drawings.

Completion: May 2008
Construction costs: 18 m €
Contact: Mr. Jaeger – Kuehne + Nagel

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Kuehne + Nagel – Expanding the logistics centre by office and social buildings (CP 3 + 4)

The existing facility of Kuehne + Nagel (AG +Co) KG in the Logport commercial area in Duisburg have been extended by seven new warehouses with office and social buildings and 72 truckloading bays between 2010 and 2011. The 2-storey office buildings are located in front of the Warehouses. The concrete slabs are designed in consideration of fire water retention according to WHG codes.
Property area: 65.000 m², gross floor area: 40.400m² and gross building volume: 538.400 m³.

Our services included fabrication design and drawings, co-ordination with all technical and mechanical planners, fireprotection, building services, building physics and consulting and co-ordination of the design and process of the prefabricated concrete structure.

Completion: 2014
Construction costs: 24 m €
Contact: Mr. Kasperidus

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Walter Hellmich GmbH - Deutsche Post Real Estate Germany GmbH Region West - Extension of the logistics centre Greven

In 2013 the central distribution centre was extended for the Deutsche Post Real Estate Germany GmbH and their tenant HSE24, in Greven – Reckenfeld. The extension project consisted of sorting facilities and high rack warehouse systems as well as the administration and social areas.

Detailed and approved final design, co-ordination of the professionals for: fire protection, building services, outdoor facilities; co-ordination of the precast concrete unit concept and the cast-in-place foundations

Completion: 2013
Construction costs: 22 m €
Contact: Mr. Kasperidus  

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Our DHL MechZB Projects

DHL MechZB 96 Essen

In 2013 a mechanical delivery base (Mech ZB60) was built in Essen-Bergeborbeck for the Deutsche Post DHL to deliver packages in the Essen area. To sort 3000 packages in an hour a new typ of building was designed to hold the new automated sorting plant. The unsupported building measures 43,00 m in clear space distance and 162,00 m in length. Next to the base building the office and social building was built for about 110 employees.

Our job was the design planning, building application planning, fabrication design, static design and calculations, formwork and reinforcement drawings.

Completion: 2014
Construction costs: 15 m € 
Contact: Mr. Kasperidus 

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DHL MechZB 60 Wuerselen

In 2013 a mechanical delivery base (Mech ZB60) was built at the highway intersection Würselen (A4 / A44) for the Deutsche Post DHL to deliver packages in the Aachen area. To sort 3000 packages in an hour a new typ of building was designed to hold the new automated sorting plant. The unsupported building measures 43,00 m in clear space distance and 104,00 m in length. Next to the base building the office and social building was built for about 70 employees.

Our job was the design planning, building application planning, fabrication design, static design and calculations, formwork and reinforcement drawings.

Completion: 2013
Construction costs: 10 m €
Contact: Mr. Kasperidus 

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DHL MechZB 60 Hamm-Uentrop

In 2013 a mechanical delivery base (Mech ZB60) was built for the Deutsche Post DHL to deliver packages in the Hamm-Uentrop area. To sort 3000 packages in an hour a new typ of building was designed to hold the new automated sorting plant. The unsupported building measures 43,00 m in clear space distance and 104,00 m in length. Next to the base building the office and social building was built for about 70 employees.

Our job was the design planning, building application planning, fabrication design, static design and calculations, formwork and reinforcement drawings.

Completion: 2013
Construction costs: 11 m €
Contact: Mr. Kasperidus 

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DHL MechZB 48 Dinslaken

In 2012 a mechanical delivery base (Mech ZB48) was built for the Deutsche Post DHL to deliver packages in the Dinslaken / Oberhausen area. To sort 3000 packages in an hour a new typ of building was designed to hold the new automated sorting plant. The unsupported building measures 43,00 m in clear space distance and 89,00 m in length. Next to the base building the office and social building was built for about 70 employees.

Our job was the design planning, building application planning, fabrication design, static design and calculations, formwork and reinforcement drawings.

Completion: 2013
Construction costs: 10 m €
Contact: Mr. Kasperidus 

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